BuddyBoss – Social MarketPlace

Buddyboss 1024x415
 Everything you need to easily create, launch and scale your social learning platform. … Create your own eLearning marketplace with one of the …
Social MarketPlace gives you the tools you need to create your own online marketplace. It takes full advantage of WooCommerce and WC Vendors, and adds all the missing elements that make a truly amazing MarketPlace.Your members will love the ability to set up and configure their own store. They can customize their shop and brand it their way. With customizable cover photo, store logo, social media links and description, the amount of control and easy configuration will blow their mind.The dashboard allows your vendors to see how they're doing and to track and measure the performance of their shop. Your vendors can view recent orders, recent products, numbers of orders, total products sold, commission owed, commission paid, with cool graphs. They can also control that data they view, based on a specific period of time.


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