Evento – Multivendor Event Ticket Booking Website

Evento - Multivendor Event Ticket Booking Website

Evento is a vast Multivendor Event Ticket Booking System. It offers lot of features. Admin & Vendors / Organizers can upload Venue / Online …

Evento is a vast Multivendor Event Ticket Booking System. It offers lot of features. Admin & Vendors / Organizers can upload Venue / Online events. Admin can receive commission on each event booking. Evento offers different types of tickets – Free, Variation Wise, Without Variation Tickets with Stocks. It also supports events of Single & Multiple Dates. It also offer Multilingual & RTL frontend website, Admin / Organizer dashboad translation option in single language (not RTL yet), early bird discount for each ticket, tax, coupon, PWA Ticket Scanner, Ecommerce for Admin, Reports, Transaction Reports, Monthwise Earning Reports, Push Notification, Add to Yahoo / Google Calendar, Event Countdown, Advanced events search page, Drag & Drop Menu Builder, , Google Login, Facebook Login, Advertisements, Advertisements, Admin Role Permission & lot more….Evento comes with 9 automated payment gateways – Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Razorpay, PayTm, Instamojo, Flutterwave, Paystack, Mercado Pago, Authorize.net & unlimited offline gateways for payment https://codecanyon8.kreativdev.com/evento


URL: https://codecanyon8.kreativdev.com/evento/admin Username: admin Password: admin


URL: https://codecanyon8.kreativdev.com/evento/organizer/login Username: organizer Password: 123456


URL: https://codecanyon8.kreativdev.com/evento/customer/login Username: user Password: 123456


URL: https://codecanyon8.kreativdev.com/evento/organizer/pwa


Ticket Preview

9 Online Payment Gateways (Unlimited Offline / Manual / Bank Available too)


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