Mageworks SEO Suite Ultimate extension for Magento

Mageworks SEO Suite Ultimate extension for Magento

This is where SEO Suite Ultimate, an all-in-one SEO extension for Magento 2, comes in handy. The toolkit perfectly handles a wide scope of on-page SEO…


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When it comes to eCommerce on-page SEO, every little detail matters.  Properly optimized on-page SEO elements, absence of duplicate content, a well-built site architecture, navigation, and internal linking — all that contributes to higher rankings in SERPs.Doing everything manually can take ages. This is where SEO Suite Ultimate, an all-in-one SEO extension for Magento 2, comes in handy.  The toolkit perfectly handles a wide scope of on-page SEO activities: from weeding out duplicate content and enhancing site indexation to optimizing any type of ULRs and big amounts of metadata. The extension also comes with the advanced HTML and XML sitemaps, cross-linking, SEO redirects and advanced rich snippets functionality. 

Feature Summary

Canonical URLs  

Identical or similar content is a huge NO for search engines. If your pages have duplicates, this may negatively influence your site rankings because search engines don’t know which variant of the content to show. With Canonical URLs, you help search engines identify which page is the original one (canonical) in relation to the duplicated content. Thus, you can detect and cure duplicate content issues.
  • Add canonical URLs to any page or product (bundle, configurable, etc.)
  • Set a (custom) cross-domain canonical (to handle duplicate content across different websites)
  • Add a trailing slash to canonical URLs
  • Use pagination for category canonicals (instead of the default you will get
  • Add the rel=next/prev tag (to send users to the most relevant page/URL)
  • Point pages of layered navigation to the category itself or any filtered page (thus, Google will index all LN pages and not only the first one
  • Disable canonical URLs for pages with NOINDEX robots
  • Set the canonical tag if any layered navigation filter uses multiple selections

Crawling & Indexing

Control how search engine spiders crawl and index your website. Direct them to the important pages and restrict them from the ones you want to keep unseen.
  • Specify Robots Meta Header for the https pages or any extra pages
  • Configure Robots Meta Header for pages without content
  • Set the # of LN filters to exclude from indexation

Cross Links

Quickly and easily build any number of internal and external links. Proper internal linking helps to improve website navigation and spread the ranking power across the website.  While external linking helps to place inbound links from relevant and trusted sites with related content.  The extension helps conveniently select the target cross-links entities from the category and product grid.
  • Use cross-links on different page types: product, category or CMS pages
  • Specify internal links for different Store Views
  • Equip keywords with a link to a relevant site page (be it a product or a CMS page)
  • Link any targeted keyword by the Category ID or Product SKU
  • Define the maximum number of keyword replacements per page
  • Set replacement priority of any keyword
  • Replace the targeted keywords with links to external relevant websites

Product SEO Templates

Optimizing metadata elements of an eCommerce website can be quite a challenge. Also, you can use the list of attributes to optimize short and extended product descriptions on your website.  SEO templates can be applied to any chosen product, collection of products or product attribute sets. Even more, you can mix several attributes with the Attribute Randomized. With SEO templates, you can create metadata for a big amount of store pages in a mouse click and apply them to the:
  • Product page meta title
  • Meta description
  • Meta keywords
  • Product URL-keys
  • Product SEO-name

Category SEO Templates

With SEO Suite Ultimate you can generate advanced SEO templates to quickly and easily optimize:
  • Category meta title
  • Meta description
  • Full category description
  • Category SEO name
Once generated, the templates can be applied to any chosen category or a selection of targeted categories. All SEO templates can be automatically generated with Magento Cron, test-applied and assigned to different Store Views and mixed with an Attribute Randomizer. 

Layered Navigation (Category Filters) Templates

You can easily make any page filtered by Layered Navigation filters SEO-optimized. These functions will help you extend your site architecture, and get more pages optimized for long-tail and specific search queries.  For each category filter page, you can specify a meta title, meta description, meta keywords, and a full-page description.  On top of this, you can define a priority of any attribute in the layered navigation block.SEO Suite Ultimate now allows you to add meta title and meta keywords & description options for a specific attribute VALUE in order to appear on the pages filtered by specific attributes. 

Hreflang Tags Support

Tell search engines which language you are using on certain pages. Avoid duplicate content issues, by informing Google about alternate versions of the original page.
  • Specify alternate URLs scope (global or website)
  • Apply hreflang tags on any product/ category/ CMS page
  • Use the default Language Code or set it manually
  • Add X-default hreflang tag to the non-localized pages
  • Connect localized pages by the ID/ URL key/ hreflang attribute

Extended Rich Snippets

Reach higher CTRs with eye-catching search results. Display price, ratings, stock availability and other attributes to stand out from your competitors and catch customer attention.
  • Add product data markup (ratings/reviews, stock, price, SKU, etc)
  • Create rich snippets for category pages
  • Implement breadcrumbs markup tags
  • Use Twitter Cards and OpenGraph (for more compelling social media results)
  • Implement Organizations markup (location, name, description, contacts, price range, image, etc)
  • Provide Website/ Page info (name and description).
  • BETA: Our extension adds the beta support for the recently added speakable markup.

Pager Optimization

Make pagination pages absolutely search engine friendly. Enable SEO-friendly URLs for them, set the format of the pager URL key, specify how the 'page' is defined in the pager URL and add pager number to meta title/ description. 

SEO For Layered Navigation Pages

Layered Navigation pages usually create thousands of duplicate content URLs with the same page titles/ descriptions. With SEO Suite Ultimate it’s possible to make pages filtered by layered navigation search engine friendly. For every category LN page you can:
  • Add extended meta title and description on category LN pages
  • Include any attribute to the LN title and meta description
  • Apply canonical tags to any category LN page
  • Set NOINDEX, FOLLOW robot meta tags for category LN pages
  • Add filters counter to the NOINDEX, FOLLOW meta robots on LN pages
  • Set meta robots for any attribute/ attributes combinations in the LN

SEO Redirects

When you need to solve broken URLs issues, update the CMS platform, change the website design or move to a new domain - SEO redirects is a must. Thus, you will save the rankings and send customers to the relevant pages, instead of the 404 not found one.
  • Specify the redirect type: 301 moved permanently or 302 found
  • Set the time period to keep redirects on site
  • Add the default redirects to the product category or priority category
  • Easily manage all redirects in one place

Custom SEO Redirects

Set custom 301 and 302 redirects FROM/TO any Product / Category / CMS page of your website.
  • Choose Store Views to enable custom redirects for,
  • Enable / Disable 'Autogeneration' for any created redirect,
  • Quickly edit any redirects of this type from the easy-to-use grid,
  • Apply mass-actions (enable / disable / delete) to any selection of custom made redirects.

Advanced Breadcrumbs

Numerous research proves that breadcrumbs never cause user testing problems, only help to reduce anxiety and improve findability. Use Advanced Breadcrumbs to help users and search engine bots better navigate through your store.
  • Generate user and search engine friendly breadcrumbs
  • Apply shortest/ longest/ default breadcrumbs types
  • Use category priority for products that are assigned to multiple categories
  • Enable breadcrumbs in Rich Snippets
  • Add URL for last breadcrumbs item

HTML Sitemap

Create a convenient and user-friendly overview of your website structure. Arrange all the site links on the single page, thus helping customers better navigate and quickly get to the searched page.  For example, if your visitors can’t find the 'Hats' category, they can click on the sitemap link and find it there.
  • Add separate HTML sitemaps for various Store Views (multilingual websites)
  • Define the maximum category depth level for your links (e.g., you can display only important categories cat1/subcat1 instead of cat1/subcat1/sub-subcat1/sub-sub-subcat1)
  • Set the sorting order for products and categories
  • Include any CMS page link (homepage, about us, contact us, etc.)
  • Specify an HTML sitemap title/ meta description/ keywords

XML Sitemap

Include all important site URLs into the XML sitemap to help search engines better crawl and faster index them. The extension allows generating an XML sitemap – including XML sitemap creation right from Console – for products, categories, CMS pages, and other pages, including landing pages.
  • Use the main domain URL in the sitemap (e.g., instead of
  • Specify metadata for every URL
  • Define the frequency and priority for every added URL
  • Set a trailing slash for the main website page or any XML sitemap URL
  • Exclude out-of-stock offerings from the XML sitemap

Automatic Redirects

Stop losing customers by sending them to deleted/404 pages! The automatic redirects functionality allows you to softly offer products alternatives to the missing products or bring them to the relevant product categories. You’ll be able to:
  • Set permanent (301) or temporary (302) redirects on any deleted product page automatically
  • Use the custom grid to effortlessly manage this kind of redirects
  • Enable/disable/delete/edit redirects, edit the number of clicks and select the desired category in one workspace.

SEO Reports

Use Mageworx SEO reports for products, category, and CMS pages to easily deal with such frequent SEO problems as duplicate content, missing values, errors in metada and URLs. 

Demo & Docs

User Guide | Installation Guide  

Live Demo

Frontend | Backend 

Comes With

  • Lifetime access to the source code


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