MailChimp for WooCommerce Memberships

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Mailchimp for WooCommerce Memberships helps you communicate more effectively with the members on your site. Previously, to get member data set up in .

Completely automate syncing member lists with Mailchimp

This plugin requires WooCommerce Memberships version 1.9.0 or newer (purchased separately).
Mailchimp for WooCommerce Memberships helps you communicate more effectively with the members on your site. Previously, to get member data set up in Mailchimp, you had to perform CSV exports for members, upload these exports to Mailchimp, and manually change merge tags to be able to create effective member segments.No more! Mailchimp for Memberships seamlessly updates member data for you in your subscriber profiles, ensuring Mailchimp data is always up-to-date with your latest membership list and statuses. Keep segments auto-updated, and make it simple to email targeted groups of members on your site.

Set up in minutes

Mailchimp for Memberships does all of the heavy lifting during set up to get your member data pushed to Mailchimp quickly. Once you add a Mailchimp API key to the plugin settings, you can choose what list your members should belong to, and what merge fields you’d like to use for plan data.Mailchimp for WooCommerce Memberships: List settingsMailchimp for Memberships even cuts out the work to set up merge fields for you — once you’ve chosen a list for your members, merge fields will automatically be created for each plan so you can store member data within your Mailchimp list.
WooCommerce Memberships Mailchimp Sync: Merge tags created
Automatically added merge tags
Once you’ve connected a list and merge fields, you can sync your current membership list, and you’re ready to create member segments in minutes!WooCommerce Memberships Mailchimp Sync general settings

Segment emails for members

Now that member data is automatically synced to Mailchimp, you can easily create segments for your members. For example, you could target active members of a specific plan:WooCommerce Memberships Mailchimp Sync create segmentYou could also target “cancelled” members to send win-back emails, or paused members to woo them back to you site.Want to email all active members? That’s straight-forward as well! Mailchimp for Memberships maintains an “Is Active” merge field for you in addition to plan merge fields. This will be “yes” or “no” for any member, ensuring you can use one merge field to segment by all active members on your site for simple communication.

Always automatically updated

You’ll never have to export and re-import member CSV files to update Mailchimp data again. For every membership that’s added, removed, has a status change, or is transferred, Mailchimp for Memberships will handle pushing those changes to Mailchimp automatically. Your member merge fields will always be updated with the latest data from your site.
WooCommerce Memberships Mailchimp Sync subscriber data
Subscriber membership data


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