phpWallet – e-wallet and online payment gateway system

phpWallet Nulled – e-wallet and online payment gateway system. Earn big money by creating your own payments gateway with lots of features. Are you looking for a custom online payment solution for your country’s local
Are you looking for a custom online payment solution for your country’s local currency to integrate with your local business? or maybe you want to start your own Payment Gateway Site like PayPal. phpWallet is the script solution you where looking for.With payment gateway Script you can easily accept any physical financial company/bank or online payment platform as deposits and withdrawal methods for your site. And, set a fee amount to earn on every online store purchase linked to your site API and Money transfers made through phpWallet .The core concept behind this payment gateway script is that there needs to be someone managing everything behind the scenes ( the site administrator ).This phpwallet can be used as the selling platform for virtual cards the card can use to verify paypal account, purchase anything anywhere online such as facebook ads google ads ebay amazon apple and lots more. This script come with usd virtual card api do you like to start your own card issuer business? phpwallet is the best script for the card selling business.To process withdrawal requests the admin sends money to bank accounts manually outside the script and reduces the user’s wallet balance by clicking on a button after the offline bank transfer transaction is complete.With this phpwallet script, you can also send mobile recharge of airtime and internet data bundle to over 170 countries with 800 mobile operators instantly within a secondsPhpwallet is also a platform that Can be used as the selling for Virtual Cards . The card can use to verify paypal account, purchase anything anywhere online such as facebook ads, Google ads, ebay, amazon, apple and lots more. This Script come with Strowallet and Payzoft usd dollar virtual card Api, Do you like to start your own card issuer company/business? phpwallet is the best script for the card selling business.
- Payment Links
- 8 Automated Deposit Payment Gateways
- 8 Automated Payment Gateways on payment link
- 8 Automated Payment Gateways on checkout
- Paypal, Stripe, Strowallet, Flutterwave, Paystack, Instamojo, Razorpay & Mollie
- Unlimited Manual Deposit Methods.
- Unlimited Manual Withdrawal Methods
- Email Notifications
- Master Virtual Card
- Mobile Recharge
- 170 Countries Airtime
- 170 Countries Internet Data bundles
- 800 Telecoms Operators
- Airtime Top-Ups
- Internet Data Top-Ups
- Support Ticket
- REST API. [ open in postman ]
- Email Verification One Time Password (OTP)
- Currency Exchange
- Multy Currency Wallets
- Money Transfers
- Peer to Peer trade
- Mutil Language
- Easy Language switcher
- Admin can add languages
- Flutterwave Payment Gateway
- Escrow
- USD Virtual Card
- Strowallet API. [ open here ]
- Payzoft API. [ open here ]
- Fund User’s Wallet from admin dashboard
- Vouchers System
- User Roles
- Voyager Admin Dashboard
- Transactions History
- Developers API Merchant ( IPN )
- Woocommerce Plugin [ open here ]
- Whmcs Payment Module [ open here ]
- KYC Ready ( on request)
- Virtual bank account creation ( on request)
- Loan management ( on request)
- Mobile Recharge
- Bill Payment
- Your local Gateways ( on request)
- Auto withdraw to banks For Nigeria
- Printing Recharge cards For Nigeria ( on request)
- GDPR Ready
- Ability to freese users balance while processing Withdrawal Requests.
- Ability to set Percentual and Unit Fee’s
- Responsive UI.
- 6 Color Skins.
- Built with bootstrap 4.
- And more …
Last update : 25 April 2023 Version: 6.5 ( check details in the changelog section of this page ) Required PHP v7.4
- Added Mobile Recharge - Added Airtime & Internet Data bundle - Automated Mobile recharge - Fixed Support Ticket bug - Switched Virtual Card to Master Card - Added Support Ticket to User dashboard - Improved payment link - Added 170 Countries Airtime - Added 170 Countries Internet Data - 800 Operators - Improved Virtual card Api
If this is a plugin and the theme must be unzipped then upload. If it’s PHP script or Android source code and other items then check the docs file available on the zip file.
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