Product Filters for WooCommerce

WooCommerce Product Filters is a plugin to create ajax product filters that make the process of finding products in your store simple and fast.
Setup and Configuration
- Purchase the product from
- Download the ZIP file from your dashboard
- Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and select the ZIP file you just downloaded
- Click Install Now and then Activate.
- Read on to learn how to set up and configure the product.
Introduction to the Editor
Go to: WooCommerce > FiltersThere are two panels in the editor.- The left side shows a list of elements.
- The right side contains Settings for current element or project settings. By default, right panel contains project settings. To save the project, click Save on elements panel.

Creating Elements
Click the “Add Element” button. A panel open with a list of elements. The first list is “Field” – here are elements responsible for filtering products. The “Layout” list content layout elements responsible to arrange field elements.After selecting an element, this element appears on left side panel and, if necessary, settings of this element appears on right side panel.
Setting Up the Project
Field “Title” – name of project that is only visible in the Admin Panel.Field “Filtering starts” – mode of applying filters to products.Option “Automatically” – filters are applying immediately when you activate them.Option “When on click send button” – filters are applying only after clicking on “apply” button. In this case, you need to create a “Button” element and specify “Filter” option in “Action” field.Field “Which components to use” – content of components will be updated when filtering. For example, if “Pagination” component is enabled, you can turn on ajax pagination.Field “Pagination ajax” – switch to enable/disable ajax pagination.Field “Sorting ajax” – switch to enable/disable ajax sorting.Fields “Products container selector”, “Pagination selector”, “Result count selector”, “Sorting selector”, “Page title selector“ – element selectors on page.Setting Up Elements
Options for List Element
- Field “Title” – title that will be displayed on top of list. It implements clients with understanding what the element filter.
- When you change filter, an attribute appears in url. Field “URL key” – name of attribute in url or URL-friendly version of element name. For example, field “URL key” value “brands” will appear in url,samsung
- Field “Query type” – query type that allows you to apply multiple filters.
- Option “AND” – show only products that satisfy both conditions set by the user through applied filters (for that particular element).
- Option “OR” – search returns all products that satisfy at least one of the conditions set by the user through applied filters (for that particular element).
- Field “Multi select” – enable/disable multiple selection.
- Field “Source of items” – select source of items for a list that will be using to filter products.
- Option “Attribute” – means product attributes to be displayed (see “Products > Attributes”).
- Option “Category” – means product categories to be displayed (see “Products > Categories”).
- Option “Tag” – means product tags to be displayed (see “Products > Tags”).
- Option “Taxonomy” – means product taxonomy to be displayed. This option can be use when there are plugins extending capabilities of WooCommerce. For example, you have plugin “WooCommerce Brands” installed. With option “Taxonomy” you can display list of brands.
- Field “Attribute” – from which attribute the items will be taken. You can see attributes on “Products > Attributes”.
- Field “Category” – allow to select: show all categories with subcategories or subcategories for one selected category. You can see categories on “Products > Categories”.
- Field “Taxonomy” – from which taxonomy the items will be taken. For example, if you have plugin “WooCommerce Brands” installed, you can set taxonomy of “Brands”.
- Field “Display” – display items mode.
- Option “All” – display all items.
- Option “Only Parent” – display only top-level items, without child sub-items.
- Option “Only Selected” – display only specified items.
- Option “Except selected” – displays all items except selected ones.
- Field “Select items” – items that will be displayed.
- Field “Exclude items” – items that will not be displayed.
- Field “Display hierarchical” – switch to display items as a tree or a list.
- Field “URL value format” – format of value in url attribute.
- Option “ID” – display a unique item number.
- Option “Slug” – output URL-friendly version of item name.
- Field “Show reset item” – display reset value item.
- Field “Title reset item” – title of reset item.
- Field “Display title” – display element title.
- Field “Display toggle content” – display the toggle to hide content.
- Field “Default toggle state” – default state(show/hide).
- Field “CSS Class” – css class for element.
- Field “Action for empty options” – actions with filter items when no available products.
- Field “Display product counts” – show/hide product counts in items.
- Field “Display rules” – under what conditions to show element.
If this is a plugin and the theme must be unzipped then upload. If it’s PHP script or Android source code and other items then check the docs file available on the zip file.
For info write to: [email protected]
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3 reviews for Product Filters for WooCommerce
Riley (verified owner) –
Good quality.
technotch (verified owner) –
Required update version.
Dominic (verified owner) –
Anyone can make it nulled.