WooCommerce Customer / Order CSV Export

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The WooCommerce Customer / Order / Coupon Export plugin lets you export individual orders, customers, or coupons, bulk export records on.

WooCommerce Customer / Order / Coupon Export


The WooCommerce Customer / Order / Coupon Export extension lets you export your site’s customers, orders, or coupons to a CSV or XML file. Here are a few of the features offered by this plugin to make it easier to manage your site’s data:
  • Export customers, orders, or coupons, in CSV or XML format, individually or in bulk.
  • Create your own custom formats to determine which fields are included and where they’re positioned.
  • Automatically export and send your file to a remote server via FTP, HTTP POST, or email, such as to your fulfillment service.
  • Exports run asynchronously in the background, meaning you can export thousands of records while you complete other tasks – or take a well-earned break!
🛠 Click here to read our developer documentation.If you want to export orders to Stamps.com, please check out the Stamps.com XML File Export extension instead! 


  • PHP 5.6 (you can view this under WooCommerce > Status)
  • WooCommerce 3.0.9
  • Your site must support background processing to use automated exports or process exports in the background of your site. Click here to learn more about this requirement.


  1. Ensure your store meets the plugin requirements.
  2. Download the extension from your WooCommerce dashboard.
  3. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and select the ZIP file you just downloaded.
  4. Click Install Now and then Activate.
  5. That’s it! You’re all set. Keep reading this documentation to learn more about exporting customers, orders, and coupons from your site!

Upgrading from another plugin

If you’re upgrading from the XML Export plugin, you will see a notice in the most recent version of that plugin to migrate to this version. Your existing plugin subscription has automatically been converted to a subscription for the unified Customer / Order / Coupon Export plugin! You can migrate your site to this plugin seamlessly with a couple of clicks.You should be connected to WooCommerce.com to complete this migration. If your site isn’t connected, you’ll be prompted to connect first. If you need help connecting, please check out this document. If you can’t connect for some reason, please check our FAQs below for instructions on how to upgrade.Once your site is connected to WooCommerce.com, you’ll see a notice to migrate to this plugin when you’re ready. With a single click, we’ll automatically take care of the full migration:
  • The Customer / Order / Coupon Export plugin wil be downloaded from your WooCommerce.com account
  • The plugin will be installed and activated on your site
  • Your previous exports, custom formats, and automated export (if applicable) will be migrated from the XML Export plugin to this plugin

Upgrade FAQs

Q: What if I’m unable to connect to WooCommerce.com? (For example, if your site sells CBD oil products.) A: You can still migrate! You’ll need a couple more steps, though:
  1. Download the Customer / Order / Coupon Export plugin from your WooCommerce.com account (you will already have a new subscription for it).
  2. Install this plugin under Plugins > Add New > Upload.
  3. Activate this plugin.
Once this new, unified plugin is activated, it will handle migrating your settings automatically for you.
Q: What will happen to my XML Export plugin subscription? A: Your WooCommerce.com account was automatically gifted a new subscription for this plugin. Here’s how we handled the change:
  • You have been gifted a subscription for this plugin that ends on the same date as your XML Export plugin subscription.
  • If your XML Export subscription was set to auto-renew, we’ve turned it off, and enabled auto-renew on the new plugin subscription. If your subscription did not auto-renew, we’ve left it disabled.
  • Your XML Export plugin subscription is still in your account for now, but it will end on its original date, and cannot be renewed again.

Q: What if the migration doesn’t go smoothly? A: The worst-case scenario is that we’re not able to migrate the plugin’s settings, and you would need to update them manually. This is a pretty foolproof process, though, that we have used for other plugin retirement migrations. Our support team is also happy to help out with any questions or migration concerns! 

Export data manually

You can export customers, orders, and coupons manually at any time. When you begin a bulk export or export items from the Orders or Users lists, a modal will appear to let you know the export is processing:Export started modalIf you leave this modal open while the export processes, you can download the file via that modal:Export complete modalHowever, since customer and order exports are processed asynchronously in the background on your site, you can feel free to close the modal or leave your site completely while the export runs. This lets you keep working while your export processes behind the scenes. Exports are batch-processed, which allows your site to process an export for thousands of records without timing out.If you leave the export modal, you can download the file from an admin notice that will appear when the export is ready or by going to WooCommerce > Exports > Export List, where we store exports for 14 days.Export list
Note: If your site does not support background processing, your site is incapable of processing the export in the background. That means you’ll need to leave the export modal open while the export processes. Click here to read more about background processing and how to resolve this issue.

9 reviews for WooCommerce Customer / Order CSV Export

  1. technotch (verified owner)

    Please contact me. I want your service.

  2. Dominic (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery.

  3. John (verified owner)

    Anyone can make it nulled.

  4. Max (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery.

  5. Aiden (verified owner)

    I need Installation support.

  6. Kai (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery.

  7. Hayden (verified owner)

    No need activation code. Really awesome

  8. Kevin (verified owner)

    I need Installation support.

  9. Michael (verified owner)

    Anyone can make it nulled.

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If this is a plugin and the theme must be unzipped then upload. If it’s PHP script or Android source code and other items then check the docs file available on the zip file.

For info write to: [email protected]

(9 customer reviews)
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