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Groups WooCommerce grants memberships based on products. It automatically assigns a customer to one or more groups based on the …

Memberships and Access Control with Groups and WooCommerce

Groups WooCommerce is an extension for WooCommerce based on the free Groups membership and access control solution for WordPress. It allows you to sell group memberships in your store powered by WooCommerce.

Documentation Sections

  • Setup – Quick and simple steps to get started.
  • Settings – An overview on general configuration options.
  • Selling Memberships – Guides on how to sell memberships with Groups and WooCommerce.
  • Shortcodes – In this section you will find details on the shortcodes that are included with the extension.
  • FAQ – Find answers to common questions here.
Additional Documentation for Developers:
  • API – This section provides information about the extension’s functions, actions and filters.

Questions & Support

Have a question before you buy? Please fill out this pre-sales form.Already purchased and need some assistance? Get in touch with the developer via the Help Desk.

Selling Memberships

Groups WooCommerce grants memberships based on products. It automatically assigns a customer to one or more groups based on the products ordered.Memberships can be sold through normal products where membership is granted for a given period or an unlimited time through one-time payments, or through subscriptions where the memberships lasts as long as the subscription is active, based on recurring payments and an optional setup fee.
If you want to charge a monthly subscription fee, the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin is required, which adds a new subscription product type. Groups WooCommerce controls the memberships for the duration of the subscriptions. Groups provides the membership and access control capabilities to protect content.

3 reviews for WooCommerce Groups

  1. Nizarweb (verified owner)

    Good quality.

  2. Camden (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery.

  3. Samuel (verified owner)

    Please share new version

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(3 customer reviews)
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