WooCommerce Kissmetrics

woocommerce kiss metrics

Kissmetrics is the premier analytics tool that shows you actionable metrics for your business. Use this extension to integrate Kissmetrics with your WooCommerce …


Kissmetrics is a web analytics tool that tracks visitors to your site as people, not pageviews. Visualize your online sales funnels and find out which ones are driving revenue and which are not. This plugin tracks over 24 different events and related properties to help you increase your conversion rate and decrease shopping cart abandonment. 


  1. Download the extension from your WooCommerce dashboard
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and select the ZIP file you just downloaded
  3. Click Install Now, and then Activate
  4. Go to the WooCommerce > Settings > Integrations > Kissmetrics in your WordPress admin and read the next section to learn how to setup and configure the plugin.

Setup and Configuration

Configure the plugin by going to WooCommerce > Settings > Integrations. You will see ‘Kissmetrics’ listed as an option. Click this to see the settings.Now, log in to your Kissmetrics account and go to the settings page. Scroll down and copy the API key listed. Paste this in the API Key box.That’s it! You’re ready to start tracking events. If you want to tweak settings and customize event names / properties, continue reading. 


  • API Key – API Key from your Kissmetrics account settings page. Leave this blank to disable tracking completely.
  • Identity Preference – How to identify logged in users: email address (default) or wordpress username. This will display in your Kissmetrics reports.
  • Logging – Log nothing (default), just queries, just errors, or everything to the PHP error log. Be careful when enabling this on a busy site, as it can quickly flood the PHP error log.
If you want to turn off all tracking, leave the API key field blank or disable the plugin.
WooCommerce Kissmetrics integration admin settings
Kissmetrics API Settings

Customize Event Names

Every event name sent to Kissmetrics can be changed by editing the text field associated with each event. This is useful if you have an existing implementation and want to keep your event names consistent. Kissmetrics recommends using past tense verbs when naming events, eg: Use “logged in” vs. “log in”.To disable tracking of a particular event, clear the text field associated the event.
  • Signed In – Triggered when a customer / subscriber signs in. The sign in can occur anywhere (wp-login.php, my account page, sign in widget, etc) and it will be tracked. Users are aliased to their email address or wordpress username (depending on the Identity Preference setting) as soon as they login and are tracked as that identity until they logout.
  • Signed Out – Triggered when a customer / subscriber signs out. Identities are cleared upon logout, so if multiple people use the same computers but use different logins, this will help to track them all accurately.
  • Viewed Signup – Triggered when a visitor views the sign up page. Hooks into the wordpress register form and will track anywhere it is used.
  • Signed Up – Triggered when a visitor signs up. Hooks into the wordpress registration system and will track registrations anywhere the wordpress register form is used.
  • Viewed Homepage – Triggered when a visitor views the homepage.
  • Viewed Product – Triggered when a visitor views a single product. Properties: Product Name
  • Added to Cart – Triggered when a visitor adds an item to their cart, either on a single product page or via an AJAX link on category pages. Hooks into the ‘woocommerce_add_to_cart’ action, so custom add to cart links should track as well. Properties: Product Name, Quantity, Category, and Attributes if product is a variation.
  • Removed from Cart – Triggered when a visitor removes an item from their cart. Properties: Product Name.
  • Changed Cart Quantity – Triggered when a visitor increases or decreases the number of units in their cart. This event can be recorded very frequently if visitors to your site tend to have a large number of unique items in their cart. In this case, you can safely disable this event. Properties: Product Name, Quantity.
  • Viewed Cart – Triggered when a visitor views the cart. This will also track when the cart is empty.
  • Applied Coupon – Triggered when a visitor applies a coupon on either the cart or checkout. Properties: Coupon Code.
  • Started Checkout – Triggered when a visitor starts the checkout process.
  • Started Payment – Triggered when a customer starts the payment process. This will only track if you are a using a payment gateway that uses a “Pay” page, such as Braintree TR or Authorize.net AIM (most direct post payment gateways).
  • Completed Purchase – Triggered when a customer completes their purchase. Properties: Order ID, Order Total, Shipping Total, Total Quantity, Payment Method.
  • Completed Payment – Triggered when a customer completes the payment for a purchase (only triggered if payment occurs after the order is placed, i.e., check payments). Properties: Order ID.
  • Wrote Review – Triggered when a visitor writes a review of a product. This is tracked before spam processing, so if you get a lot of spam, you can consider disabling this event. Properties: Product Name.
  • Commented – Triggered when a visitor writes a comment on a blog post. This is tracked before spam processing, so if you get a lot of spam, you can consider disabling this event. Properties: Post Title.
  • Viewed Account – Triggered when a customer views the ‘My Account’ page.
  • Viewed Order – Triggered when a customer views an order.
  • Updated Address – Triggered when a customer updates their billing or shipping address.
  • Changed Password – Triggered when a customer changes their password.
  • Estimated Shipping – Triggered when a visitor estimates shipping from the cart page. Properties: Country.
  • Tracked Order – Triggered when a customer submits the ‘Order Tracking’ form.
  • Cancelled Order – Triggered when a customer cancels a pending order.
  • Reordered – Triggered when a customer reorders a previous order.
WooCommerce Kissmetrics Event Name Settings
Event Name Settings

Customize Property Names

  • Product Name – Recorded when a visitor views a product, adds / removes / changes quantities in the cart, or writes a review.
  • Product Quantity – Recorded when a visitor adds a product to their cart or changes the quantity in their cart.
  • Product Category – Recorded when a visitor adds a product to their cart. Note this is the first category listed for the product. Any additional category names will not be tracked.
  • Coupon Code – Recored when a visitor applies a coupon.
  • Order ID – Recorded when a customer completes their purchase.
  • Order Total – Recorded when a customer completes their purchase. Use this as the ‘revenue’ property within Kissmetrics. This includes shipping,taxes, and any applicable discounts.
  • Shipping Total – Recorded when a customer completes their purchase.
  • Total Quantity – Recorded when a customer completes their purchase. This is the unit total for the order.
  • Payment Method – Recorded when a customer completes their purchase. This is the title of the payment method used for the order.
  • Post Title – Recorded when a customer leaves a comment on a blog post.
  • Shipping Country – Recorded when a customer estimates shipping.
  • Purchased SKU – Tracked when a customer purchases the product.
  • Purchased Product Name – Tracked when a customer purchases the product.
  • Purchased Category – Tracked wh

3 reviews for WooCommerce Kissmetrics

  1. Owen (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery.

  2. Hayden (verified owner)

    Please contact me. I want your service.

  3. Kai (verified owner)

    No need activation code. Really awesome

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If this is a plugin and the theme must be unzipped then upload. If it’s PHP script or Android source code and other items then check the docs file available on the zip file.

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We do not grant any licenses for GPL Items. Some products may require an activation key for full functionality, while others may already be activated and nulled.

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