WordPress Manager For WHMCS

WordPress Manager For WHMCS
WordPress Manager For WHMCS will let your clients install and manage WordPress instances without the bother of ever leaving your WHMCS.
WordPress Manager For WHMCS will provide your clients with a sought-after capability to install and manage WordPress instances in detail without the bother of ever leaving your WHMCS.Simply pick cPanel, DirectAdmin or Plesk hosting products that will feature WordPress-aimed tools handled through either Softaculous or WP Toolkit - that's all it takes to let your customers remotely add clean installations or custom installation scripts. They will gain effortless control over all existing instances via a classic list that can be converted into an extended view, offering screen grabs and instant access to action tools. Specifically, your clients will be free not only to monitor various installation details but essentially, browse through and activate plugins, manage themes and assign them into packages, generate backups, and perform system updates. Additionally, they will have the possibility to automatically upgrade WordPress installations, plugins, and themes, as well as create staging WordPress instances for testing purposes to be pushed live at any later moment. At the same time, you will be empowered to enable automatic WordPress installation upon creating a new service, as well as customize the range of features available in the client area. The module will also allow convenient access to the control panel and cache clearing, one-click installation of Let's Encrypt SSL certificates, or even a quick mechanism to clone the installation to a different domain.Take the hassle out of using WordPress and fit the handling of this CMS into your own WHMCS system. Get hold of WordPress Manager For WHMCS to steal the hearts of your audience and be the envy of all the competition in the web hosting industry - and deservedly so!

6 reviews for WordPress Manager For WHMCS

  1. Richard (verified owner)

    I need Installation support.

  2. abuzar.rehman (verified owner)

    I need update version.

  3. William (verified owner)

    Good quality.

  4. Owen (verified owner)

    Required update version.

  5. Paul (verified owner)

    Required update version.

  6. Kaden Arabic (verified owner)

    I need update version.

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If this is a plugin and the theme must be unzipped then upload. If it’s PHP script or Android source code and other items then check the docs file available on the zip file.

For info write to: [email protected]

(6 customer reviews)
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