Directorist BuddyBoss Integration Addon

Directorist BuddyBoss Integration Addon

Directorist BuddyBoss Integration Addon. Directorist – BuddyBoss Integration extension is used to integrate the giant Directorist with the popular BuddyBoss plugin. It combines all the functionalities needed to create a complete community based WordPress directory website using Directorist plugin and BuddyBoss platform.

Directorist - BuddyBoss Integration integrates Directorist plugin with BuddyBoss which allows you use certain Directorist features within the BuddyBoss platform.This is a lightweight yet rocket-fast Directorist extension for business directory users that can be used in the BuddyBoss based community platform. The extension lets you add unlimited business listings on your community based directory websites. You can run a full-fledged community with business listing capacity using the plugin.BuddyBoss Integration is a fast, secured, reliable solution that provides easy integration between the Directorist and BuddyBoss. You can create a robust directory based on a community platform using your custom-made builder for serving directory listing purposes. In this case, you don’t have to rely on other third-party tools to scale up your community site with a directory. Only using the Directorist, you can do all that effortlessly. The integration allows you to create a community based directory website exactly the way you want it.

Make Your Community More Scalable with Directorist

The time is now to bring the power of your community forward with the spell of BuddyBoss and Directorist in tandem. Make your community as interactive as the most other social networking sites and scale it up with directory listing.

Merge Your Community with Directory Features

Your community has the potential to streamline your directory business like a charm. Why not allow your community to add, buy and sell listings and take your directory business to a whole new level? This extension will help you to make it happen with no time.
  • Fully compatible with the BuddyBoss platform.
  • View listings on the profile page.
  • Add listings from the profile page.
  • Favorite listings on the profile page.
  • Assign listings to groups.
  • View group specific listings within the groups.
  • Directory activities on the activity feed.
  • Share listings on timeline.
  • Redirect Directorist login and registration page to BuddyBoss login and registration page.


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