Countdowner – Countdown Timer for Elementor

Countdowner - Countdown Timer for Elementor

Countdowner is a WordPress plugin for Elementor to add a countdown timer to showcase upcoming events, important achievements, special offers …

Countdowner is a WordPress plugin for Elementor to add a countdown timer to showcase upcoming events, important achievements, special offers, a coming soon page, and more. It can be a powerful marketing tool to create a sense of urgency and encourage your visitors to take action. Adding and configuring the widget will take only a few minutes. You can add an unlimited number of counters to your website or page.The flexible plugin settings allow you to manage and configure the countdown and each of its elements following your goals. There are available two types of timing: until a certain date and an evergreen timer. Select Block or Inline view type and time units to be displayed on the counter. The widget comes with five digital animations to make the item more interesting and unique. Once the time expires, you can select one of the further actions like displaying your message/button to visitors, enabling redirection to another page, or just hiding the countdown.Circle Countdown AnimationCrafted for Elementor BuilderUnlimited Time Unit SetsIncludes Templates for ElementorSuitable for all kind of Layouts and TemplatesCompletely Cross-Browser SupportPerfect for Popular Elementor ThemesWe made sure that it was easy for you to get started with the Countdown plugin. With the plugin, you get 5 unique stylized and go-to-use templates. These are just some examples that can inspire you to create your style. It provides you a quick start in a few clicks.The plugin has straightforward and flexible style settings. You can manage size, typography, colors, background, border, and other things for different elements. It is possible to apply various styles for different digits states like normal or hover.Countdowner for Elementor is exceptionally compatible with all modern browsers. It does not matter which browser users view your site: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, or Edge. Everything will look great on all devices and in all browsers.

Features of the Countdowner plugin for Elementor

  • Supports Due to date and Evergreen timer types
  • Provides Block or Inline view types
  • Support 5 digital animations: flip clock, Circle, Fade, Roll digits, Glowing
  • Different actions after the time expiration
  • Ability to create unlimited Timers
  • Ability to add/delete the time units
  • Editing the labels of the time units
  • Managing the digit separator
  • Responsive and friendly to any device
  • Customizable fonts, colors, borders, backgrounds, etc.
  • Responsiveness settings
  • Works well with all WordPress themes built on Elementor
  • Totally Seo Friendly
  • Included pot file for quick translation on any language
  • Perfect for RTL direction
  • Fast and smooth installing
  • Tested and compatible up to WordPress 5
  • Lightweight and Fast
  • All major browsers supported Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Edge
  • Easy to use and customize with modern User Interface
  • Installation Guide and detailed Users Manual
  • Six months Included Support for CodeCanyon buyers
The plugin installation takes only a few seconds. Also, you do not need to make any additional settings. The plugin is ready to work immediately after installation – you only need to install and activate it in WordPress. Read more about capabilities and settings in the Online Documentation.


1.0.2 – 24 March 2022
Removed deprecated _register_controls method
1.0.1 – 15 July 2021
Fixed Due Date countdown for Safari
1.0.0 – 1 June 2021
Initial release

6 reviews for Countdowner – Countdown Timer for Elementor

  1. Dylan (verified owner)

    I need Installation support.

  2. Hayden (verified owner)

    I need update version.

  3. Paul (verified owner)

    No need activation code. Really awesome

  4. arku (verified owner)

    I need update version.

  5. Michael (verified owner)

    Good quality.

  6. Abservetech (verified owner)

    I need Installation support.

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(6 customer reviews)
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