WooCommerce Bookings Availability

WooCommerce Bookings Availability  New Plugin Extension 700 1

Display availability of bookings with Blocks Editor … Sell more bookings by presenting a calendar or schedule of available slots in a page or post. Offer a curated .

WooCommerce Bookings Availability

WooCommerce Bookings Availability is an add-on for the main WooCommerce Bookings extension (separate purchase) which gives customers two ways to view and select Bookings directly from posts and pages with:
  • A schedule block displaying a list of available slots in a day, a week or a month.
  • A calendar block displaying available slots on a weekly or monthly calendar.
Both blocks enable customers to customize the booking if it has options available and add it directly to their cart.If there are multiple slots available for a product on a date, the customers will be taken to the product page to select their booking date and time on the calendar to book the product.


Should WooCommerce Bookings be absent or deactivated when installing Bookings Availability, a notification will appear.


  1. Download the extension from your WooCommerce dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload and select the ZIP file you just downloaded.
  3. Click Install Now, and then Activate.
This adds two blocks to the Block Editor under WooCommerce called:
  • Bookings Calendar
  • Bookings Schedule

Setup and Configuration

To use the WooCommerce Bookings Availability extension, you need: There are three steps to setup:
  1. Add a block.
  2. Select products.
  3. Configure settings for the block.

Adding blocks to a post or page

Following installation and activation of WooCommerce Bookings Availability, a message appears and guides you to the next step.
  1. Select an existing page or post, or create a new page or post, where you would like to offer bookings to customers.
  2. Select the  in the upper left corner of the Editor to add a block. More info about adding blocks at: Adding a block.
  3. Go to the WooCommerce category and toggle open to find the Bookings blocks.
  4. Select Bookings Calendar or Bookings Schedule to add, and it then appears on the page or post.
Learn how to configure the block in the next sections.

Selecting products to display

Once a Bookings block is added, specify which products to display and their availability:
  • All bookable products displays the availability of all products.
  • Specific bookable products displays availability of only certain products. If this option is selected, search for the name of the desired product(s) or tick the box(es) on the list.
  • Specific categories displays availability of products associated with certain categories. If this option is selected, search for the name of the desired category/ies or tick the box(es) on the list.
  • Specific resources displays availability of products using certain resources. If this option is selected, search for the name of desired

3 reviews for WooCommerce Bookings Availability

  1. Leo (verified owner)

    Good quality.

  2. Isaac (verified owner)

    Good quality.

  3. Patrick (verified owner)

    Required update version.

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If this is a plugin and the theme must be unzipped then upload. If it’s PHP script or Android source code and other items then check the docs file available on the zip file.

For info write to: [email protected]

(3 customer reviews)
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