WOOF – WooCommerce Products Filter

WOOF - WooCommerce Products Filter

WOOF – WooCommerce Products Filter – is a WooCommerce plugin that allows you filter products by products categories, products attributes, …

WOOF – WooCommerce Products Filter is a powerful, flexible, easy and robust filter plugin that extends functionality of WooCommerce plugin to allow your site visitors make searching of products by its categories, products attributes, tags, products taxonomies, meta fields and product price.WooCommerce Products Filter demo WooCommerce Products Filter free WooCommerce Products Filter FAQ WooCommerce Products Filter videos

Advanced Filters Help Customers Discover More

  • Are you bored with the standard WooCommerce options?
  • Do you wish you could add more advanced Filters for your customers?
  • Wouldn’t it be nice to have more functionality and flexibility on your store?
Here are just a few of the many options that WOOF brings to your website:
  • Widget
  • Product Shortcodes
  • AJAX product Search
  • Taxonomy display choices: radio, checkbox, drop­down, range-slider, color, image and more
  • Meta fields as: search by text, slider, checkbox, drop-down, datepicker
WOOF has a lot of in-built extensions like: search STATISTIC, show attributes as Colors, show attributes as ImagesMeta Filter, Search by Text, Search by SKU, Taxonomy Range-sliderHierarchy drop-down, show attributes as Labels, On sales checkbox, In stock checkbox, create search SEO links like https://demo.products-filter.com/swoof/color-red/product_cat-jacket/ and include them into the site map file, etc …WOOF documentationWith WOOF you can go further and empower your shop by: Perhaps you are a WordPress PHP developer looking for even further flexibility? You can take advantage of the WOOF extension API to create something unusual for your project or a customer one. Using WOOF extension API and default extensions as an examples you can create proffecionally any extension for the search form and even custom woo-products loop template for your own purposes. Maximum flexibility!Not just for developers, this advanced plugin will allow every user a much greater level of flexibility than your stock­standard display WooCommerce store – best way to extend the functionality.

Check out this Live Demo!

Take a look at some of the possibilities with our Demo – play around with the site below, see what can be achieved ­ we won’t disappoint! WooCommerce Products Filter demo site

Test drive BEFORE you buy!

Don’t miss this opportunity, take it for a test drive BEFORE you buy. You can download and try for FREE before you commit to anything. No hassle, no obligation!WooCommerce Products Filter for free




WOOF can be used as Shortcode, so as the Widget. Special shortcode [woof] allows insert product filter in any part of your site. It is possible to show products taxonomies and attributes in the search form as: radio, checkbox, drop-down, multi-drop-down, radio buttons in drop-down, color, image, label, hierarchy drop-down, attributes/taxonomy range-slider, checkbox buttons in drop-down 


Products shortcode [woof_products per_page=8 columns=3 is_ajax=1 taxonomies=product_cat:9] allows to display and filter targeted products in a single page or as part of a post content, and of course products there are filterable in redirect or ajax mode. Using shortcode attribute custom_tpl it is even possible use custom templates what give wide flexibility in different projects. 


(optionally) allows filter woocommerce products without page reloading. Works for 95% wordpress themes and should be tested before release to the production site as it depends of the current wp theme functionality and integrated html code there 


This powerful feature allows to display in the search form how many relevant variants will be found if to click selected html-element in the filter search form 


Allows with using special functionality in the plugin settings page add meta fields data in the search flow (text and number type) 


WOOF allows filtering your shop products site by SKU as part of the big search form, so as the special shortcode [woof_sku_filter] 


Can be displayed as range slider, so as drop-down with ranges selection  By title, content, excerpt and their combinations. It is possible to use special shortcode [woof_text_filter] which you can insert in the place you want.  Using special WOOF extension SEO URL request your shop can generate search SEO friendly links which will positively affect the search results of your site in google and other search systems. 


This technology allows to create products wizard for your shop customers where they can step by step select products they want to buy 


You can always analyze search data and understand what is more interested for your customers, and of course such data will help grow your bussiness  This technology created especially for WOOF and allows make instant search regardless of the products quantity of products without AJAX or page reloading 


Allows your logged-in customers subscribe to the products filter combinations and always be informed if in your shop appeared exact products they want to buy. Such tool can grow conversion of the shop. Use it as widget, so as shortcode [woof_products_messenger] 


This extension allows for your customers save search combinations and access them in future by one click what makes your customers more informative and attenditive about your shop products 


Allows load and see woocommerce products on the shop and catalog page without click on pagination buttons✔ Images can be as filter html-elements in the search form✔ Colors can be as filter html-elements in the search form✔ Price filter as range-slider OR as drop-down✔ Showing hidden search form as BUTTON✔ In the plugin settings for radio and checkboxes html-elements in the filter form can be selected different skins✔ Possibility to create products custom layout template and use it with shortcode [woof_products] in ajax and redirect mode, see attributes custom_tpl and tpl_index✔ Possible to create any extensions for the plugin (for developers only). See folder ‘ext’ for the code examples✔ WOOF has wide API described in CODEX✔ WOOF uses native WooCommerce API which allows coexisting and cooperation with another plugins created for WooCommerce✔ Compatible with WooCommerce Currency Switcher✔ Compatible with WOOT – WooCommerce Active Products Tables✔ Compatible with WPML✔ PHP 5.6.x – 8.x.x full compatibility✔ Simple, robust AND rich options panel 



From the powerful back­end editor you can include only what is necessary, or for more complex requirements with huge product ranges ­ add every type of filter imaginable.WOOF backend screenWith our Advanced Tab you can add custom CSS to style the plugin to suit the needs of your website ­ because consistency is important!Custom Extensions take your store to the next level and give customers the option to sort by Author, Sales, SKU or Colour.Using Extensions you can create custom shortcodes that allow you to display your products in a wide variety of ways.With WOOF powering your eCommerce store, your business potential expands giving customers the advanced abilities to search and filter by the information that interests them most.With WOOF – WooCommerce Product Filters you can do all of this and much more…


Still not convinced? Download it now for FREE and take it for a test drive on our own site!WooCommerce Products Filter for freeOf course WOOF comes with comprehensive online documentation for any of those niggling questions, including a dedicated section on working with the API and custom sections for developers, how to setup your front­end and use Shortcodes as well as Tips & Tricks for getting the most out of your new plugin


Quick start with WOOF


WOOT - WooCommerce Active Products Tables

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WOOF rates


WOOF support

Item support includes:

  • Availability of the author to answer questions
  • Answering technical questions about item’s features
  • Assistance with reported bugs and issues
  • Help with included 3rd party assets


v.2.2.8 - June 20, 2022
    - heap of small CSS fixes
    - fix for the text search Husky
    - new option: "Image for autoform toggle" 
    - new value for option "Skins for the auto filter": Flat white (1 column)

v.2.2.7 - May 31, 2022
    - heap of small fixes
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-7/

v. - January 14, 2022
    - fixed: is_ajax function is deprecated since woocommerce version 6.1.0. Replace with wp_doing_ajax.

v. - December 23, 2021
    - 1 security issue fixed thanks to Erwan from WPScan

v. - December 07, 2021
    - 1 security issue (sanitizing)

v. - November 22, 2021
    - 1 security issue fixed thanks to patchstack.com

v.2.2.6 - October 29, 2021
    - new admin panel design
    - SEO links extension
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-6/

v. - August 03, 2021
    - fixed wp 5.8 widget issue
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-5-6/

v. - July 28, 2021
    - 2 middle fixes

v. - June 24, 2021
    - code refactoring for Envato new requirements

v. - April 01, 2021
    - some little fixes

v.2.2.5 - March 18, 2021
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-5/

v. - December 09, 2020
    - jQuery code fix for WordPress 5.6 compatibility

v.2.2.4 - April 16, 2020
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-4/

v.2.2.3 - September 23, 2019
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-3/

v. - 07-11-2018
    - 1 hot fix with redirecting from single page to shop page. Reset site cache as js/front.js and js/front_comprssd.js file was changed!!

v.2.2.2 - 29-10-2018
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-2/

v.2.2.1 - 20-06-2018
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-1/

v.2.2.0 - 06-03-2018
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-0/

v.2.1.9 - 09-02-2018
    - compatibility fixes for woocommerce 3.3.x

v.2.1.8 - 03-12-2017
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-1-8/

v.2.1.7 - 24-04-2017
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-1-7/

v. - 06-12-2016
    - 8 little fixes
    - new option for taxonomy range Slider - "Enable dynamic recount" 

v.2.1.6 - 04-11-2016
    - https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-1-6/

v. - 09-07-2016
    - 1 hot fix

v.2.1.5 - 08-07-2016
    - Some little bugs fixed reported from customers
    - 2 Security Vulnerability issues fixed - thanks to pluginvulnerabilities.com
    - Adopting to WooCommerce 2.6.x
    - New attribute tax_exclude: [woof tax_exclude='pa_size,pa_test']
    - New hook filter 'woof_use_chosen'
    - New hook filter 'woof_main_query_tax_relations' added, wacth more here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4zUhfhZlonlNkVXMEZIdUxlWFU/view?usp=sharing
    - Toggle improvement based on request from https://wordpress.org/support/topic/toggle-open-them-all?replies=3
    - Disable the tooltips option for the color filter only
    - New hook filter 'woof_text_autocomplete_items' - how many founded items mto show if text autocomplete mode enabled
    - Links to posts in suggestion - new option for text search if autocomplete enabled
    - A lot of minor improvements in the code

v. - 16-05-2016
    - Fixed 2 bugs with terms ordering and non-latin characters
    - In the bundle added new extension "Color 2" for WPML lang sites

v. - 31-03-2016
    - Fixed 1 bug with hiding terms from options

v.2.1.4 - 29-03-2016
    - Fixed bugs from customers
    - A lot of the code has been remade
    - Extension installation functionality from backend is added and its API is finished and can be used in production
    - Using default extension php developers can create: types of filter elements using any
      custom html templates, any products loop templates
    - Possibility to write custom templates for woocommerce products loop using extensions
    - Improved SKU searching for variable products and autocomplete added
    add_filter('woof_text_autocomplete_items', function($count){
           return 2;
    }); (enabled optionally from admin panel)
    - Improved by Text searching and autocomplete added
    add_filter('woof_sku_autocomplete_items', function($count){
       return 2;
    }); (enabled optionally from admin panel)
    - Improved InStock searching for variable products
    - Toggles for taxonomies on the front added
    - New attribute: [woof_author_filter role="author"]
    - New attribute: custom_tpl for [woof_products]. Example: [woof_products custom_tpl='themes/twentytwelve/woo_tpl_1.php' per_page=8 columns=3 is_ajax=0 taxonomies=product_cat:9]
    - New attribute: [woof_products get_args_only=1] - possibility get array of arguments only
    - New attribute: [woof excluded_terms="33,44,55,66,77"]
    - New attribute: [woof_products predict_ids_and_continue=1]
    [woof_products_ids_prediction taxonomies=product_cat:8] - use for AJAX mode only for correct price range slider work
    - New option: Range-slider skin - tab Design
    - New option: Init plugin on the next site pages only - tab Advanced
    - New option: <strong>In the terms slugs uses non-latin characters</strong> - from now doesn matter which language uses in slug names - tab Advanced
    - New hook added: add_filter('woof_title_tag', function($tag){
           return 'h3';
    - New hook added: add_filter('woof_widget_title_tag', function($tag){
           return 'h3';
    - New hook added: $price_slider_html = apply_filters('woof_price_slider_html', $price_slider_html, $price_slider_data);
    - New hook added: $orderby = apply_filters('woof_get_terms_orderby', $taxonomy);
    - New hook added: $order = apply_filters('woof_get_terms_order', $taxonomy, $orderby);

v. - 28-01-2016
    - Image extension added

v. - 04-01-2016
    - Hot fix for 1 js error

v.2.1.3 - 03-01-2016
    - Fixed bugs from customers
    - The backend design is changed
    - New wp filter: $wr = apply_filters('woof_products_query', $wr); in [woof_products]
    - New attributes added: [woof tax_only='pa_color,pa_size' items_only='by_text,by_author']
    - https://products-filter.com/documentation/#!/hierarchy-drop-down
    - Color type improved, now its possible set background image too
    - Search by text: by excerpt, by content OR excerpt, by title OR content OR excerpt
    - Added new shortcode: [woof_text_filter]
    - Added new shortcode: [woof_author_filter]
    - Added new shortcode: [woof_search_options]
    - Improved shortcode: [woof_price_filter type="slider"] //slider,select
    - Improved shortcode: [woof_products behaviour='recent' per_page=12 columns=3]
    - Improved shortcode: [woof redirect="xxx" autosubmit=1]
    - Improved shortcode: [woof redirect="http://www.my-site.com/" autosubmit=1 ajax_redraw=1 is_ajax=1 tax_only="locations" by_only="none"] - new attributes - tax_only,by_only,redirect
    - Disable swoof influence option
    - Custom front css styles file link option
    - Additional text in the widget optionally
    - Additional options in the widget optionally
    - Custom extensions possibility implemented
    - Show helper button option

v.2.1.2 - 15-09-2015
    - Fixed minor issues from customers
    - Added: Search by SKU
    - Added: Filter by price as drop-down
    - Added shortcode: [woof_title_filter placeholder="custom placeholder text"]
    - Added shortcode: [woof_price_filter additional_taxes="product_cat:9" placeholder="custom placeholder text"]
    - Added shortcode: [woof_sku_filter placeholder="custom placeholder text"]
    - the color description selectable so that it can be highlighted and pasted into colour selector by the term description textarea
    - Added condition attribute 'taxonomies': [woof taxonomies=product_cat:9 sid="auto_shortcode"][woof_products is_ajax=1 per_page=8 taxonomies=product_cat:9]
    - Added: the “eyeball” search icon image - can be changed in the plugin settings -> tab Miscellaneous
    - Added: dynamic recount cron cache periods of cleaning
    - Added: option - Hide woof top panel buttons
    - Added: option - storage type: session or transient
    - Added: option - Hide terms count text
    - PHP code optimization

v.2.1.1 - 15-07-2015
    - Fixed couple of bugs   1 strict notice
    - added compatibility for WOOCS 2.0.9

v.2.1.0 - 26-06-2015
    - Fixed couple of bugs   1 critical bug
    - added submit button in textinput for searching by title by JavaScript
    - Added option: ability to change 'Search slug' in the WOOF plugin options - ? ???
    - Added option: placeholder optionally for search by title textinput
    - Compatibility: Display Product for WooCommerce, partitional only, read: https://products-filter.com/display-product-for-woocommerce-compatibility/

v.2.0.9 - 19-06-2015
    - Fixed couple of bugs
    - Added option: Image for subcategories - open
    - Added option: Image for subcategories - close
    - Added option: Loading word - tab miscelanous
    - Added option: Reset button text - option none
    - Added option: Image for checked color type checkbox
    - Added option: Price filter title text
    - Added option: Overlay skin - experimental
    - Added option: Use icheck - mode 'none'
    - Added option: woof_is_mobile - variable for developers for mobile view
    - Added option: Show button for "Filter by price" 
    - Compatibility: WooCommerce Products Per Page

v.2.0.8 - 26-05-2015
    - Fixed couple of bugs
    - Compatibility: WooCommerce Currency Switcher

v.2.0.7 - 21-05-2015
    - Release of the premium version

6 reviews for WOOF – WooCommerce Products Filter

4.5 Rating
1-5 of 6 reviews
  1. Avatar of waheed

    Very fast delivery.

  2. Avatar of Aiden

    I need update version.

  3. Avatar of Nathaniel

    I need Installation support.

  4. Avatar of Ryan

    No need activation code. Really awesome

  5. Avatar of Edward

    Required update version.

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